House for sale at Kapan Handball Ground Near Akshayadhara

place Kapan Handball Ground Near Akshayadhara
person Owner
phone 9851172923, 9851172923

Rs. 2,15,00,000

( Two Crore Fifteen Lakhs Rupees Only )
Views: 2166 Bedroom: 11 Bathroom: 4 Living: 1 Kitchen: 2 Store Room: 1 Floors: 3 Parking: 1 Area: 0-3-0-0 Land Area: 0-3-0-0

This House is  situated in a prime and peaceful location of Kapan Handball Ground. The location is blessed with tranquil neighborhood Near Akshayadhara. This  property spans over a  land of 3 aana. Working with a great real space gave the architect an opportunity to refine the layout to match the building true character. Result are impressive. It has 3 floors. Each floors consisting four rooms. Each floors has 1 large bedroom suites at either end of the living space for undisturbed privacy. The living room open up to a fully fenced backyard with ample light. Even the spacious kitchen has a door to. Floor to celing window bring west and north light. Space are crafted by a refined and highly practical floor plan. Stage for a show stopping urban lifestyle. . Every night drift off to sleep to the subtle sound of the empty street then wake up to a spectacular sunrise over the house. Three upstairs bedroom have captivating view of city. Ample off parking with  attached garage and space for 4/5 bike in the drive way. Also a spectacular garden adds to the beauty of the house. Even with all these elegant features the house comes under a negotiable price of 2 crore 15 lakhs. Interested people can contact house owner 9851172923.


Electricity, 24 hours Water Supply, Telephone, Internet, ,Cable TV, Reserve Tank, Garbage Disposal, Pillar size 9/12, Two Sunny, Lighted Every Rooms, and more then.

For more information contact:Prabhu Real Estate Pvt.Ltd ;01-4109200, 9851156029

balcony Balcony
yard Garden
countertops Modular Kitchen
live_tv TV Cable
signal_wifi_0_bar Wifi
water Water Supply
inventory_2 Water Tank
local_parking PARKING
account_balance Rental income
nature_people Peaceful Environment
settings_phone Telephone
expand_less Drainage
Available Electricity
horizontal_distribute Black Top Rd
Hospital Hospital
Near By

Kapan Handball Ground  Near Akshayadhara