House For Sale at Hattigauda Near Bisnumati Pool

place Hattigauda Near Bisnumati Pool
person owner
phone 9851245930

Rs. 4,00,00,000

( 4 core )
Views: 1809 Bedroom: 6 Bathroom: 5 Living: 2 Kitchen: 2 Store Room: 2 Floors: 2.5 Parking: 3 Area: 0-8-2-0 Land Area: 0-8-2-0

This  House is situated in a prime and peacful location of Hattigauda Near Bisnumati  Pool. The total land area is 8 aana 2 paisa. It has 16 ft road access and only in a distance of 200 meter from main road.
This house has 4 bedroom 2 masterbedroom with attratch bathroom,3 common bathroom,2 living rooms and 2 kitchens. It is 2.5 storied house facing towards  east direction. It has 2 car 6/7 bikes parking space. . Interested people can contact house owner #9851245930.

Road Access: 13 feet wid road.

Facing Direction:  east direction 

✍️ Others Facility:
◾Internet Connection
◾Cable connection
◾Parking Space
◾Peaceful area
◾24/7 Water supply
◾No vehicle & sound pollution
balcony Balcony
yard Garden
countertops Modular Kitchen
live_tv TV Cable
signal_wifi_0_bar Wifi
water Water Supply
wb_sunny Solar
inventory_2 Water Tank
local_parking PARKING
account_balance Rental income
nature_people Peaceful Environment
settings_phone Telephone
public Earthquake Resistant
expand_less Drainage
Available Electricity
horizontal_distribute Black Top Rd
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